Specialising in C.B.T.  Phone 085 1600999

Stress & Anxiety

Stress & anxiety - picture of stressed mother and two young children

C.B.T. (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) will help you with stress and give you contentment and happiness. It teaches methods whereby those who experience negative thoughts, low mood or stress can change them to positive thoughts feelings and behaviours with a new way of thinking.

Life is full of Stress & Anxiety

In small doses, stress & anxiety can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. But when you are constantly running in emergency mode, your mind and body pay the price. You can protect yourself by simply recognising the signs and symptoms of stress and taking steps to reduce its harmful effects.  

Stress can become a vicious cycle without the correct techniques needed to manage it. In small amounts, it can be tolerated. However, prolonged or intense stress levels can lead to mental ill health or can have physical effects. It can impact on our relationships, work performance, and lead to panic attacks and/or depression.

Common symptoms can include irritability, lack of concentration, sleeping problems, negative thinking, appetite change, lack of motivation, loss of libido, social withdrawal and mood swings. Stress can also contribute to physical symptoms such as skin disorders, headaches, muscular tension, high blood pressure and other bodily aches and pains.

Stress Triggers

Issues for stress & anxiety counselling include:

  • Work pressures
  • Unemployment
  • Family matters
  • Relationship worries
  • Coping difficulties
  • Panic attacks
  • Irritability
  • Physical ailments
  • Constant tension

In prehistoric times, it was important to deal with the physical threats all around us, and it was often necessary to make speedy judgements on a course of action in order to survive. 

The body’s stress response, coupled with a heightened sense of awareness was an asset in these situations and helped primitive man survive the many dangers he faced throughout his life.

However, modern man, whose body’s stress responses are the same as those of his ancestor, faces ‘threatening’ situations of a completely different kind. These are triggered by modern day demands.

Stress and anxiety; picture of stressed senior businessman

Stress & anxiety are a direct result of an individual’s assessment of the demands made on them by their environment. These demands are perceived as threatening and this is reflected in the body’s physical responses such as increased heart rate, muscle tension, increased blood pressure and perspiration, sweaty palms, dry mouth, chest palpitations, nausea, and restlessness. 

Please call or email us now

Cork Counselling Centre

Telephone: 059 9171909

Mobile:   085 1600999

Email info@corkcounsellingcentre.ie